Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Day 24 ....obviously missed a few more days....

10" x 10"
acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas

Saturday, September 20, 2014


Day 20.....due to life...I keep missing a day here and a day is another lion....

8" x 8" acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas

Thursday, September 18, 2014

The Camels are Coming

Day 18....I love the attitude of camels....when I was visiting Israel I got to see it first hand....we were in Jerusalem and there was a camel handler close of the camels was so much fun to watch as tourists were lining up to ride....he let it be known that when he was through ..he was not going to take one more on a ride....

The Camels are Coming
8 x 8 acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Day 15 came and went without a finished painting....appointments in Houston here is day 16 ....actually started last night and finished this morning...
12" x 12" acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Lion from the Tribe of Judah

Day 14...I guess I am going to be doing a lot of lions...just cant get them out of my mind.....

Lion from the Tribe of Judah
8" x 8" Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

Saturday, September 13, 2014

"O Baby !

Day 13 in the challenge is my 4th painting in a series for cards.....

"O" Baby!
6" x 6" acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas

Friday, September 12, 2014

The Next Generation

This one is the 12th day of the challenge and the 3rd picture for this particular set of cards and prints....

The Next Generation
6" x 6" on gallery wrapped canvas

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Prince Ayo

Day 11 of the challenge.....Since I am painting sets of 4...this one will go with the giraffe...

Prince Ayo
6"x 6" acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Day 10 and I am back to lions ! All have been sold and this completes the set of 4 that I am having made in to note cards....
8" x 8" acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Tall Blond

Day 9 and I am working on my sets....4 lions....4 farm animals.....4 African animals and 4's is going to be added to the ostrich and a zebra plus one more....

Tall Blond
6" x 6"
acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas

Monday, September 8, 2014


Day 8 ....I have had request for more lions....the other two sold so I am going to have a few lion days.....

8"x 8" Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas


Sunday, September 7, 2014

The King

Day 7 of the Challenge......another rainy the dogs were almost on my lap because of all the thunder.....a much needed storm. I woke up seeing this painting so I knew I was to paint it....

'The King"
8" x 8" acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Just Another Pretty Face

It's a rainy Saturday and the dogs are all curled up on the seemed like kinda  dog day afternoon so todays offering is a bulldog....

'Just Another Pretty Face'
6" x 6" gallery wrapped canvas

Friday, September 5, 2014

What's Up ???

Today was house cleaning day and because it was sooooo messy I only got about half of my painting for today I decided to post a recent painting in its that I have not put here on the blog before. This one is actually one that will soon be part of a series I am doing....

What's Up
12" x 12" Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Day 4....Judah

Day 4 of the challenge.....I had to go in to Houston all morning so I didn't get an early start today...
my sister Laurie in Pennsylvania loves I decided this would be dedicated to her....

8' x 8' Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Day 3 of Leslie's challenge....getting a little earlier start...I have crosses in the kiln that need to be glazed but couldn't resist painting first. I did a crazy big bird that I love to watch....the ostrich....

6" x 6" acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Red Sky in the Country

Day two of the challenge.....I had a million things to do in a million places....not much time to paint.....but I love sunsets and wanted to paint one today....

Red Sky in the Country
8" x 8" Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas

Monday, September 1, 2014

Number 1 of the September 2014 .... 30 in 30 Painting Challenge

And here I am again....I really thought I would have made quite a few posts between the last and this happens. I did however sign up for the new Leslie Saeta 30 in 30 Challenge...not so much to paint every day....which I do ....but to get back to blogging about it....
This challenge theme is "Things that move me....things that I really like"....I started with the little squirrel that live in my trees in front.....he loves the pine tree by the is a tall lookout for him and the pecan tree is right next to it....
"Pecan Thief"
8x8 Acrylic on Gallery wrapped canvas

Monday, January 6, 2014

Day 5......REST

I had a day of rest on Sunday....however a good friend of mine
sent me a photo of a painting that I did several years ago
as  a gift to portfolio was destroyed in a house fire and I
had not seen this one in a long time....

'Morning Retreat'

20 x 24 oil

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Day 4 of the 30 in 30 Challenge

It has been cold down south....of course not as cold as it is in the rest of the country ....,but still it makes me hunger for the Texas springtime.....todays offering

'I Long for Spring'

6"x 6" oil
Gallery wrapped canvas

Friday, January 3, 2014

Day 3....30 in 30 challenge

I worked on this one early and fast since I was supposed to have a 'clay' day....
however.....I ended up running around getting supplies for the shop instead.
Today offering....

'My Brother's View'

6" x 6" Oil

gallery wrapped canvas

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Day 2 of the 30 in 30 Challenge

Switching over to oils for this challenge has been a challenge in itself.
I always painted in oils before but changed over to acrylics because of the speed.
I have however decided I need the practice....
todays offering is .....

'Life Path'

6" x 6" oil
gallery wrapped canvas

2014 Leslie Saeta 30 in 30 Challenge

So here I am again in a challenge....much has transpired since the last
namely....the flu....which has evolved and continued for almost 2 months...
oh well....2014 is a time of new beginnings and NO MORE FLU !!!
my first offering for the challenge is.....

Sundown at the Beach

6" x 6" Oil
Doing this challenge is going to definitely be one....
I am moving in to my new shop by the end of the I will hold on as long as possible!!